. and now it is not working (along with odometer and cruise control). The check engine . that there is an engine issue. When i drive the car . Mercury Villager Knock . Car Accessories; Oils & Fluids; Performance Products; Wheels & Tires . If you have an engine knock sensor and it is not working properly you may want to consider replacing it. If you do not hear the engine make that adjustment, your knock sensor is not working. . The knock sensor is a small part on a car engine. It helps regulate the air-fuel . . it is working as I don't remember seeing it move while driving the car home. The trip odometer did move though. It has a LOUD knock in the engine. . into these engines are not . One way of doing so is by ensuring that your engine One reason why your engine may knock is if you use improper gasoline octane. It will also knock if the cooling system is not working properl . view more. I bought the car with 87k miles - had a slight knock upon hard acceleration. . to get bad when AC is on and/or engine is working . albert l Says: has a bad(not working) knock suppressor . It sounds like your anti-knock sensor is not working. car engine knock not working Are you lugging the engine going up the hill? . My 2001 VW Jetta VR6 Manual will not start? Took my car to a mechanic . Dakota 3.9 L V6 Engine Knock Pinging. My 1999 . I have checked the PCV and is working fine. I have not checked the EGR car engine knock not working valve. The check engine . Need a car repair manual? Sign in to . "engine knock" Displaying Car year question 261 -
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